Thursday, September 2, 2010

California Trip

So we went to California for my friends wedding. We were crazy enough to drive there. We drove there during the night so Scott could sleep but our little guy decided that it was so much better to be awake almost all night!! He really isn't used to sleeping in the car. He will sleep anywhere as long as it's a pack and play or his bed. Well, but after so much driving, he ended up giving up and started sleeping in the car. At least he didn't cry, he was just awake. We still had a great time!! It was so fun!!

Here is the happy couple!!

Here I am with my mom waiting for the couple!

While we were there, we HAD to go to the beach!! I LOVE the beach. Utah would be the perfect state if it had a real beach. Oh well, so I had to take advantage of the amazing weather and beach!
Scott wasn't sure if he liked the water, since it was cold or even the texture of the sand (he's kinda picky like that!) But after a little while he got used to it. We didn't get in because it was windy and it was too cold for me :(

Here I am with Scott by the beach! Isn't he cute?!

Here he was trying to decide if he liked the sand.

Here is Papi and Scott playing in the sand! Greg covered Scott's feet and he liked it!

He's trying to get a feel for the sand.

I just LOVE this picture! He looks so cute!

Papi and Scott in font of the beach!

Our little family! Scott wasn't too sure about the water.

Papi and Scott having a good time!

After a while, Scott was pretty sick of being either in the car or the stroller.

1 comment:

Amy said...

He looks so distraught in that last picture! :) It looks like you guys had a blast though, some beautiful shots.