Wednesday, July 15, 2009

4th of July Swimming

Ok, so much has happened this past couple of weeks, there's lots to share!
So we start with the 4th of July, we had a great time. First we went swimming at our pool with my family and then we had a bbq at Halley's house, we even danced a little :)
Here are some pictures.

Daniel liked being the one in charge of throwing the ball back into the pool when it got hit out :) What a great helper!

What a great couple showing off their dancing skills :)

Daniel loves baby Scott, he is so nice to him. Here he is showing off his holding skills.

Greg & baby Scott waiting for the fireworks. Scott did so well that night, the fireworks going off that night didn't bother him.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Fun! I wanna throw a party.