Monday, January 31, 2011

Las Vegas

We took a short flight over to Las Vegas for a couple of nights. It was a nice, fun trip. We walked a lot and our feet got tired, but we did enjoy it. We went to celebrate my birthday. We stayed at the Treasure Island Hotel. It was easier to upload these to Facebook, so here's the link to Pictures.

One thing we didn't get any pictures of was the Phantom of the Opera show. It was really good. Plus, we had some great seats. We'd bought the seats online before we left, and when we arrived, we went to almost the back row on the far right side, and then the usher asked to look at our tickets. She asked if we'd like to move up a little bit. We said yes, and expected a couple of rows, but ended up moving forward and to the center about 15 rows! We were seated in the middle of the room and had a good view.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Our Good News!!

We are so excited to announce our wonderful new addition to our family!! We are having a baby at the end of July.

So far everything is going well, and I'm feeling ok. I have my days. I'm still teaching Zumba and will continue until it's not longer possible :) Scott loves his baby and he is always pointing at my belly saying "baby,baby"
More updates coming soon.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Blog Update...

Coming soon!
I promise soon I'll update my blog. I know I'm so far behind. There's has been too much going lately and with a growing kid and learning new things it's hard to make time for everything else.
Once I get pics uploaded from my camera I'll be posting more often.